When teeth have been badly damaged or lost, restorative dentistry procedures can help rebuild their structure and appearance while improving overall dental health. At Alpine Dental Care our experienced team of dentists offer the full spectrum of restorative options for functional, durable, and natural-looking results. Whether you require a custom tooth replacement procedure, a dental crown to restore and protect a damaged tooth, or full mouth rehabilitation, our team can develop a personalized treatment plan based on your unique needs and goals.
Restorative treatments we offer include:
Teeth compromised by extensive decay, infection, trauma, or wear can potentially be restored through the placement of a dental crown. During this procedure, the damaged portion of the tooth is removed and a durable, custom-crafted crown is fitted over the remaining tooth to restore natural-looking structure and provide protection to the healthy tooth body.
A missing tooth or series of adjacent teeth can be effectively replaced with a custom dental bridge, which fits over healthy teeth on either side of the gap. The most common form of a bridge is a restoration comprised of two crowns with replacement teeth bonded between them to fill in the space left by missing teeth. In some cases, another style of bridge, perhaps a removable bridge, may be necessary to meet a patient’s specific needs.
Traditional dentures are removable oral appliances used to replace missing teeth and restore oral function and aesthetics. They are available in two main types: partial dentures, which replace a few missing teeth, and complete dentures, which replace all of the teeth on one or both dental arches. Each denture prosthetic is custom-made for the patient based on their individual needs and preferences. The appliance itself is designed to fit comfortably and securely over the gums.
At Alpine Dental Care, we also offer advanced Implant-supported dentures as an alternative to removable dentures. This technique involves anchoring a custom overdenture to a few dental implants that are surgically placed in the jawbone, providing enhanced stability and preventing bone loss.
One of our providers can discuss the different options with you and assess your candidacy during a consultation.
Do you have questions about restorative dentistry? Contact Alpine Dental Care for more information about treatment or to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Shen.*